Anyone can win or lose is a game. You can run a streak like a long line, or you can record a straight losing streak. By name it is a baccarat game. Maybe I don’t deserve the game. I was initiated last year, and this is all I have visited three times this year . Nevertheless, the reason I am writing like this is that this year I have gained confidence because I have won 70, 90, and 120 respectively in 10 dies.
The time spent playing games is about half a day. It is a rule not to play games while staying near the casino . As everyone knows, it is that those who win are not dependent on the line. And it doesn’t just depend on the chok. The most important thing is the gradual adjustment of the bet amount.
And fierce patience is required for self-control. Just because it’s a line is n’t going to be consistent with the best bet . However, on the other hand, the failure to raise bets despite the reduction is also a lack of quality as a gamer ? You can’t win every shoe. The important thing is to know how to minimize the amount of damage in losing shoes.
Shouldn’t people get O-ring together in the O-ring shoe? And if you wait, there is always a shoe that comes out with a created picture. This time you have to dry the hay It is the decisive moment when sunlight pours out!
I am a businessman. It operates corporations in Seoul and Japan. Baccarat is like a business. As if to risk your fate, you have to face the game with an attitude of pretense . Businessmen do not avoid solitude. That is why I am lonely. Baccarat is also a lonely fight. Like business, you have to make moment-to-moment choices, and you can not avoid the responsibility of choosing .
Members, let’s go to the game with abandoning the attitude of work and work. The only way to beat big capital is through thorough self-management.